
Installation is very easy through pip. Maabara depends on uncertainties, sympy and numpy packages. It is recommend to use it in an IPython notebook environment which enables Latex rendering and helps remarkable in keeping the overview.


See an setup example of Ubuntu 14.04 below.

sudo apt-get install python-pip                 # install pip manager
sudo pip install uncertainties sympy numpy      # install dependencies
sudo pip install maabara                        # install maabara package

To install the optional ipython shell type

sudo pip install ipython

Other operation systems

Check pip-Website to find setup instructions for your operation system and contribute it to this documentation when suitable.

Test your installation

You may test your installation. Open a terminal and start a new IPython notebook by typing

ipython notebook

Paste the following to a cell and press [Shift]+[Enter]

import maabara as ma
import uncertainties as uc
ma.print_ufloat(uc.ufloat(1,0), 'Maabara')

If you see uncertainty printing you’re ready to go ahead.