In scientific computations it is a quite common pastime to propagate uncertainty.
The Python Package uncertainties does this sport really catchy. But its propagation yields a numeric result only. It’s great if you only need the final value, but what if you have to document the underlying computation?
Maabara extends uncertainties package and allows you to calculate and document error propagation in one step. Type your equation once, get the result and its uncertainty including calculation specification - ready in Latex markup. Moreover the data module provides functions for estimation of uncertainty, fitting with error bars, comparison with literature values and more.
At its current state of development Maabara does not support correlations.
A short example¶
Let’s do something prominent to see how it works: Mass–energy equivalence
import maabara as ma # import maabara package
einstein = ma.uncertainty.Sheet() # retrieve computation object
einstein.set_equation('m*c**2', 'E') # set the equation and name
einstein.set_value('m', 1., 0.1) # set mass value and its uncertainty
einstein.set_value('c', 28E3, tex='c_0') # set light speed and its Latex symbol
In default setting you’ll get result, equation and propagation of uncertainty like
Of course everything will be copyable Latex markup. Well, it is not too impressing. But add some trigonometric functions, calculate a hundreds of values or generate Latex tables from result and it will get more exciting. Continue reading the User Guide for such pleasures.